About Us
Globocol was founded in 2014 by Eddie Prentice and John Munro who first met at Aston University in Birmingham, before some of our clients were even born! What bonded us initially, and still does, was our mutual passion for sport and music. Our careers subsequently took us on different paths but eventually dovetailed when we worked jointly on the development of cloud technologies.
Our strengths lie in helping organisations manage their activities more efficiently by digitising existing work processes. Our approach is not about reinventing the wheel, it's more about how we can enable you to turn your existing wheel more effectively.
The minimum outcomes you should expect from us include: the elimination of duplicated effort, overhauling your document storage and record keeping, improved management reporting and greater security of your data ... all leading to improvements in efficiency and organisational effectiveness.
Globocol Information Security Centre >>
We have some out-of-the box solutions that can work in most environments and sectors but we can also adapt to meet your specific needs. If you have a number of regular tasks, however complex, and which you think could be done better, then we'd be surprised if we couldn't help you with that.
Benefits of using Globocol Software Applications >>